Sunday, February 28, 2010

Save the Whales Press Release - On Tilikum the Orca Whale

We extend our sympathy to the family of Dawn Brancheau on her death at Sea World, Orlando, Florida, Feb. 24, 2010. It has been reported that Dawn was doing her dream job and would not want anything to happen to Tilikum because his actions led to her death.

Tilikum and other dolphins in captivity are doing a job of making millions of dollars for aquaria and parks such as SeaWorld, only it’s not a dream for them but a nightmare. They did not have a choice. In Tilikum’s case, he was taken from his family in Iceland at age two. If he had been allowed to live a normal life, he would have enjoyed his family’s company, swam up to a hundred miles a day, played with his children and extended family, and hunted cooperatively with them.

We do not know what goes on in a captive animal’s mind, but there is documentation of erratic dolphin behavior in captivity and some frustration has been attributed to the stress of living in a concrete barricade without means for the exercise they require.

It is time to find ways to phase out aquaria and animals for amusement diversions such as swim-with-dolphin programs in the U.S. Surely a society that values high ethical standards should work against imprisonment of innocent captives, particularly when a human and an animal come together in a tragedy like the one that occurred this week.

Maris Sidenstecker II
Marine Biologist, Co-Founder Save The Whales

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